The methods of effective treatment and removal of papillomas: hardware, surgical instruments, drugs

the human papilloma virus that is

Papilloma is a benign tumor growth on the surface of the epidermis, arises as a result of the infection of people with hpv. Scientists and doctors still have not found an effective way of healing, but they have learned to inhibit the activity of the cells. When ingested oncogenic strains increases the risk of developing cancer. The best way to prevent the development of a malignant tumor to get rid of papillomas and undergo a comprehensive treatment of the of a qualified physician.

They are dangerous papilloma in the body of a man

The virus of the perfidious, it penetrates the epidermis noticeable in the common use filled with objects, with the handshake, during the sexual contact. The child acquires at the time of passage through the generic pathways, if the mother is in the cervix has warts. For women, the defeat of the organs of the pelvis dangerous, there are strains of hpv, which is distinguished from a high susceptibility to cancer. If detected, it is necessary a periodical check-up of the of the primary care physician.

Papilloma is a genetically modified (gm of the fabric of the top layer of the skin — epidermis. The education is sensitive to any external exposure. As a result of the friction on the rough fabric of the clothes and produces the tear and inflammation of the surrounding tissues, which threatens with the secondary infection.

Prolonged tumors in the body and regulate the damage at the rebirth in a cancerous tumor. Depending on the location (neck, face, leg, hand, finger, buttocks, vulva) metastasis are the brain, bones, liver, lymphatic system and other organs.

Papillomatosis dangerous, which has the property to grow to cover the body, the mucous membranes of the throat, the tongue, the nose, the mouth. When activated, the playback start of the problems with the swallowing, the voice becomes husky. If the wound urethra men, of women, with the time, the problems begin with the urination, the pain.

Cure for hpv is not always may, but can be disassembled.

Review of the methods of treatment and disposal of

Modern medicine has reached a high level, and I learned to fight against dangerous manifestations of papilloma virus. Today the sick can live peacefully and not worry about the aesthetics of the body and health. Cure have not learned, but any doctor will help you to translate the disease in an inactive state. The virus is asleep and not hurt. The therapy is done in a comprehensive manner taking into account the strain of the virus. Determine the type of help a dermatologist and the diagnosis of laboratory. The results of the survey is to select the method of disposal of the cutting edge and antiviral. The options have been developed many, all of them differ in the method of application and exposure to the virus.

Hardware procedures

Doctors and clinics dermatological offer several destruction of the skin tumors of different etiology.

  1. Electronictechnology. Effective, is quite complex method. The wart cut a special tie, burning until it is red. Remote tissue is sent to a histologically, the wound cauterizes the electrode with balls mouthpiece. Disadvantages: has a large list of contraindications (pregnancy, elderly and children's age), after the burning left small scar.
  2. Kriodestruktsiya. The cold treatment. Pathologically modified skin is exposed to the liquid nitrogen. Substance that destroys the wart, darkens, dries, and after several days of term. If viral accumulation of large dimensions, in full, the incubation need several treatments. The painless method, which does not require the use of anesthetics.
  3. The laser. Safe, convenient way to eliminate the papilloma. The doctor takes you to a place of rendering of beam of high temperature, it extracts a new growth. The advantage of the absence of contact between infected and healthy skin, that warns you that the recurrences, are not leave traces.
  4. the removal of papillomas
  5. The radio waves. Supposed to without shedding of blood is the removal. Specialist influences the accumulation special tool, of the emanating radio waves of high frequency. Blend of foot, leaving the papilla to the diagnosis. The advantage of a low percentage of relapses, the indolence.

Describe appropriate techniques for the treatment of several types of warts on the surface of the epidermis. Gyn widely applied in against the warts, which hit the region of the groin. Genital (intimate) papilloma virus affects the internal organs (neck of the womb), vulva, anus. Take the name of pointed type of genital warts.

The surgery

The doctor cuts the scalpel small skin growth. Before you begin the procedure you will undergo anesthetic prick, for the man felt no pain and does not interfere with the operation. The anesthesia acts locally.

After 10-14 days, in compliance with the standards of care complete healing.

Surgery today, when papilloma reached large dimensions, or has a flat shape.

Cosmetic hospital offers similar services at affordable prices.

Medical therapy

Quickly, effectively, suppress the papilloma virus, it is necessary to fight with him inside. Help will come, agents antivirals. It is disastrous affect the cells of the virus, to stop its multiplication, to improve immunity.

The pharmacy offers a wide range of drugs produced in the form of injections, pills, candles. System drug is administered to a patient, if:

  • the infection is high oncology state;
  • the body does not support the viral load;
  • in the body are detected, multiple outgrowths.

Contraindications for the use: pregnancy, intolerance of individual, breastfeeding.

The main cause of attacks of hpv low immunity.

Therapeutic is being developed, an outline of your doctor. Independent of the assignment facing health problems.

The ointment of the papillomas

To improve the local immunity are taken ointments. Help you to get human papillomavirus, stimulate the defenses of the skin in the place of its location.

  1. Oxolinic. Long-term treatment — from 2 to 8 weeks. The composition of this substance is not always completely eliminated by papilloma viral element, but not allow the new to grow.
  2. Salicylic acid ointment. Traditional, tool safe, help to clean the epidermis of various skin problems. Salicylic acid the composition of the heals, exfoliates and sanitizes.

The application of strict medical prescription.

Home remedies

home remedies against warts

When the tablet or aggressive of the methodology are contraindicated in force in the state of health, the help will come from homeopathy and advice. She helps you securely get rid of warts without the risk of the occurrence of side effects, which are inherent to the drugs.

No. 1 Soap (economic or tar the view). Mode of employment: accumulation of the papillomavirus foam with a thick layer of up to impose the film and wrap a bandage or a cloth. In order to fully extract the enough 3-4 procedures.

No. 2 of Iodine. Antiseptic-apply equipped with the item using the cotton swab, taking. Previously the place of treatment of washing, drying, cover around the bold of the cream. Enlargement of the warts you will need to destroy continuously, in a maximum period of 2 weeks.

No. 3 of the greater celandine. Tear the fresh plant stems and squeeze the juice. Gently cauterize them papilloma. If the house is in the city, you can replace the natural juice in kiosks to pharmaceutical medication with the greater celandine in the composition.

No. 4 the Cabbage juice. White cabbage grind, to go through the gauze. Obtained the liquid lubricant neoplasms several times a day. Removing warts in the vagina can be with the help of swabs, soaked in the juice. Write before you go to sleep, clean up in the morning.

No. 5 cloves of Garlic. The head cleans teeth are cut by half, on the one hand apply to strokes. Fix the adhesive tape. Change the dressing 3 times a day.

No. 6 of Egg. Break the shell, the rest in the walls of the protein mass applied to the element. After drying repeat the lubrication several times a day. The wart goes away in 1-2 weeks.

No. 7 Kalanchoe, dandelion, aloe juice. Of the plants to squeeze out the juice, apply on the affected area. Above is the pack.

No. 8 Apple cider vinegar. Moisten a cotton swab, to close the film. The corrosive acid affects the papilloma. With a strong the burning of sodium bicarbonate removes the acid.

No. 9 the Castor oil. Apply equipped with a under the tape. This extract is applied before 4-8 times a day.

No. 10 ml of hydrogen Peroxide. Process several times a day, it does not capture the healthy skin. Hydrogen has a powerful drying action.

No. 11, Potatoes. Cut the tuber, make a cut to the patient an item. Change the dressing several times a day.

Mugwort, calendula, other herbs to increase immunity. Should be taken orally according to the recommendations.

Popular homemade recipe is to act, if they comply with the main condition — the regularity of the application.

The probability of recurrence and prognosis the treatment of

In the treatment of papillomas that it is important to apply a set of measures. It is not enough to remove superficial tumors, the disease is found in its interior. To suppress the activity of the pathogen, it is necessary to adopt the system of anti-viral drugs, increase the immunity.

Destructive testing of the methodology retained the risk of recurrence. During the treatment contagious element doctor can touch the healthy skin, infecting her. Infection, reproduction occurs during the period of convalescence, when the patient does not comply with the recommendations of the game.

Cure completely impossible, but it can in many, many years and forget the hpv, after bombarding their activity.

The tumor of warts and herpes is the main symptom of infection of papilloma virus. If these are not growths, they will reappear again, contaminating the healthy skin. The spreading occurs rapidly. This contributes to the immunity. For the recovery of the health of the skin, you must undergo a comprehensive treatment with the application of the methods of removal of anti-virus, immunomodulatory therapy. Be careful to the health, contagion occurs imperceptibly in the chain: man — woman, woman — child.