The removal of papillomas laser: all about the procedure

Papilloma are growths on the skin. Receive can at any point in the human body. This can be the neck, the area of the armpits, the mucosa of the nose, eyes, or genitals. Unfortunately, these little attractiveness of vocational education, by themselves, do not pass, and with time they become larger.

the removal of papillomas

The removal of papillomas laser

The impact of the papilloma laser — efficient method of removing foreign cards that do not. After the laser treatment of the skin, leaves no scars, the procedure does not cause pain and does not require a long rehabilitation. Surgeons often recommend the use of laser processing, calling this method for the solution of the papillomas, simple and secure. After the beauty routine of the skin recovers. Is it worth to believe for the promises, or is it just a publicity stunt? Does the laser advantages compared to other means of solution of the papillomas? As does the session and remain on the skin of the scars?

How appears the papilloma and the why of them it is necessary to dismantle?

Papilloma appears in the penetration in the organism of hpv and is kind of education. The hpv is absorbed into the body through sexual contact or at a distance, and domestic violence. He is able to penetrate through injured skin or lesions on the mucous membranes. But he does not represent a special risk because their effects protect us from antibodies And of the class. However, when the weakening of the forces protective the body the virus is activated and becomes a "offensive". To the violation of the production of antibodies produce such reasons:

  • the period of gestation;
  • the recurrence of chronic diseases;
  • disorders of the intestine, systemic;
  • the injuries and the severe forms of the disease;
  • bad habits and an unhealthy lifestyle;
  • the reduction of the protection of the functions of the agency;
  • the adverse conditions of work.

The human papilloma virus has over a hundred species, so that each formation has a variety of the structure and of the structure. The education of a benign nature often cause problems.

  1. If tumors appear on the exposed parts of the body that ruin the appearance, often causing the feeling of inferiority to their respective authors. The trauma of the entities leads to their growth and the infection.
  2. Papilloma in the areas of the body can suffer damage clothing. The trauma of the entities leads to their growth and the infection.
  3. Harmful effects of the factors leads to the malignancy of the tumors. This happens very rarely, but ignoring that risk should not. Especially the risk of degeneration of subjects in the papilloma genital genital. In addition to bother for the important functions, such as urination, sexual contact, and the processes of defecation. Papilloma can be reborn into malignant tumors
  4. The prosperous accumulation, localized in the mucosal surface of the respiratory organs, causes breathing disorders and can even cause attacks of suffocation.

Summarizing the above, it is necessary to point out that fixing the education on the surface of the tissues of the organs or of the epidermis, it is necessary not only to solve the problems of the aesthetics of nature, but also to minimize the possibility of developing dangerous diseases.

Advantages and disadvantages of the procedures

In clinics or cosmetic clinics, plastic surgeons can offer several techniques for resolving the tags: radio waves, surgical removal or burning of nitrogen. However, the application of the laser provides a number of important advantages.

the analysis of
  1. The low level of trauma. High-quality instrument has effect only in the problem areas, without affecting areas of healthy and mucous membranes. During the process occurs of spike injuries of the vessels, which allows to avoid the bleeding. Wound in the place of the papilloma is small and tidy, there is no trace in the form of scar or scars not.
  2. The sterility. The impact of the laser exclude the possibility of infection of the processing zones.
  3. Remove the papilloma can be large groups, even in places of difficult access and in zones of risk of the genitals, the face and the mucous membranes. The laser removal of the papillomas has many advantages.


  1. When the laser impact of the papilloma evaporates completely, so spend the histology in the future is not going to work. Therefore, if there is suspicion of malignancy edge, use the laser not can. Previously it is necessary to perform laboratory tests, such as Dermoscopy, histology and biopsy to make sure that to be good malignancies. If there are services of oncology of the disease, is to remove papilloma should only surgeon with the permission of a radiation oncologist. One of the disadvantages of this method of removal of the papilloma to perform a histological analysis is not always possible
  2. The cost of the procedures. The sessions of the elimination of the entities laser way more expensive than when using other methods. But the price is quite affordable, since this method allows you to remove the growths, almost without leaving traces on the skin or mucous membranes.

What type of laser used for the procedure?

In the modern cosmetology are applied several types of laser of the instrument to get rid of warts. Carbon dioxide is the laser emits infrared radiation, and rapidly volatile cells of the tumors. This type of laser impact is very popular, but it is very important to adverse scarring. The erbium laser emits more short-wavelength, that have a lower exposure and more efficient than the carbon dioxide laser. Pulse laser has a more profound effect than previous types of lasers, in the cell structure of the entity and its red blood cells, causing the destruction of oxygen molecules in the red blood cells. Therefore, they destroy all the capillaries within neoplasms, and let it to recharge. The healing happens unnoticed to the patient. In the places of processing, not scars.

the laser in action

How painful procedure?

The laser removal of tumors is a non-invasive technique of treatment. Does not cause bleeding and does not hurt surfaces. The procedure does not cause pain. To avoid inconvenience, we recommend the use of local anesthesia. Rarely after sessions can occur the pain in the recovery process. The removal of tumors of the sole of stop can cause quite considerable pain. In such a situation, it is necessary to use medications for the pain. With severe pain it is worth taking pain killers for the pain. The specialists do not recommend that you deal with the discomfort with the help of gels or creams with a base of corticosteroid drugs, as they fasten the process of healing.

After the procedure

After the completion of the procedure specialist, in the session, explains to the patient in which means you can perform the care of the defendants in the plots. Often prescribed the application of drying of solutions: strong solution of permanganate.

The proper care of the wound

The duration of the recovery period depends on several reasons: the depth of built-up edge and its size, the state of immunity and strict compliance with the recommendations of doctors. In the normal way during the period of convalescence, the traces of the tumors are cured in a few days, and after large— from 2 weeks up to 1.5 months. In the first few days after the session can persist hyperthermia (redness) of the skin, similar to the effects of the burn, after that in the place of the pain the crust, and in the surrounding tissues of a small swelling. After several days the swelling will disappear from the cortex down, opening up a youthful skin. Even after 2-3 weeks the colour of the normal skin, and the rehabilitation of processing laser surface finishes. As a general rule, during the first 2-3 days of heavy footsteps in the place of processing disappear. Additional treatments or discolor the skin by any means, without the need of not worth the trouble – everything heals by itself.

the removal of the papilloma

If the laser, the impact has been so broad and deep, can be assigned to medical ointment. It is very important to the health of the treated plots and not put on cosmetics decorative and remedies, if you have not been prescribed by your doctor. When the laser treatment of the skin of the genital organs, it is recommended to exclude the possibility of sexual relations until the full recovery of the mucous membranes or even that the doctor does not remove the prohibition of sexual relations. The effect of the laser on the deeper layers of the skin or especially heavy accumulation leave small scars of whitish color can vary from pigmentation of the area of the skin, which are influenced by laser beams. May remain barely visible scars. After the healing of the skin is guaranteed not to romp, it is necessary to observe the following recommendations.

  1. Not worth avoiding exposure to high and low temperatures and wet injured of the plots. In the period of recovery can not remain much time in the sun, the duty to take water treatments.
  2. Do not brush the place of the wounds, not rip them out of the bark.
  3. Process the skin zelenkoy, iodine, put compresses, etc

If the accumulation is located on exposed parts of the body, often come in contact with the water, after the shower injury dry using sterile paper towel or a hair dryer that blows with a minimum speed of cold air. It is worth leaving it to dry processed place after the shower. The removal of papillomas with the use of the laser cannot be in the following situations:

  • cancer, loss of immunity, diabetes mellitus, recurrence of chronic diseases;
  • pregnancy;
  • the patient has a high sensitivity or allergic reactions to the uv light;
  • the exacerbation of infectious diseases and inflammatory processes and diseases;
  • if papilloma of side-to-side in an area of the skin with bacterial cells, fungal, or a viral infection;
  • the application of skraba, hiking in the solarium, the use of cosmetics.
professional approach

The procedure of this type there are no contraindications. Using a laser recommend removal of small neoplasms – from 1 to 5 mm To get rid of papillomas of the major, you can use the method to get a electrocoagulation.

Possible complications

Complications and side effects of laser exposure appear very rarely.

  1. More common side the phenomenon is the infection of wounds in the period of recovery. But this problem occurs is very unlikely, since after that the procedure is kept dry of the track, which is very fast overgrown bark. The problem is created by the own patient, when the tap until the processing of the plot with dirty hands.

In rare cases complications occur

The cost of a session of laser of the national liberation of the papillomas

The pricing of the session in greater extent to define the number of malignancies and, to a lesser its location and dimensions. The clinical take rates, focusing on the group of papillomas: 1 to 10 units, 10 to 20 pieces, etc., Additional payment of which is required only for the elimination of a large edge. Delete a large number of papillomas, it will cost more cheap. In this type of procedures discount season is not the case, as well as get rid of warts at any time of the year. The procedures made in the flow due to the number of applicants to get rid of warts does not decrease and, therefore, stimulating to the discounts, there is no need.

The most common questions

If the truth and say that get rid of warts better in the cold seasons?

- Yes, the statement has a meaning, as well as the solar activity contributes to the manifestation of age spots.

If remove moles on the head with a laser, would not be if it is the hair loss and formation of bald areas?

- That's a common point of view due to the laser radiation used for removal of unwanted vegetation. Keep in mind that the appliance has the fate of the exhibition, which is achieved through the configuration. If the aim of the laser, the impact will not be the coat and skin, then there is no damage to the hair is not. After this procedure of loss of hair is not going to happen.


- Can a minor child to remove the moles or skin tag?

Age restrictions do not if the procedure is performed by doctor's recommendation and the child does not have any contraindication.

- Can carry out the procedure without anesthesia?

The procedure does not require, necessarily, of the anesthesia, the use of anesthesia depends on the pain threshold of the patient. Normally, the procedure takes 5 to 10 minutes and does not cause acute pain. However, to carry out the processing of large surfaces of the skin, preferably with the application of anesthesia. The application of the anesthesia is not necessary, but, as a general rule, it is desirable.

- Can get rid of papilloma in the twenty-first century, or very close to the area of the eyes?

Yes, it is the realization of a procedure as possible. But at some time in the area of the eyes may appear edema. However, the vision of a laser has no effect.

- Can remove the skin tag yourself?

Papillomas are the skin defects that resolve by itself can not in any case! The self-treatment of tumors may lead in the best of cases, scars and bruises, and in the worst cases – to the bleeding and malignant rebirth. Professional treatment esthetician will grow to avoid the contagion, the occurrence of complications and other side effects. Regardless of eliminate the papilloma cannot be!

- After the session of the papilloma disappear immediately or after a period of time?

After a procedure of growth disappears immediately, leaving behind a small wound with the medicine, which soon coliseum covered by the cortex. When she disappears, it shows a pink dot of the skin, that with time will merge with the main tone of the skin.

the inspection

- Do you allow the use of laser spend removal of large papillomas?

Yes, it is possible.

- Can get rid of the warts on the face?

The use of laser techniques to remove skin growths in any area of the skin and even mucous membranes – the person is not the exception. You can eliminate these neoplasms, and in the face.

We do abstracts

The laser removal of these tumors is a beautiful method quick and painless to solve the problem. You do not have to give a lot of money for the procedure. It is important that the passed and qualified specialist, using all medications, and your health doesn't have to worry about.