What is the papilloma and looks like

Non-proliferation of the cells of the skin are called tumors. As the main cause of the occurrence of cancer of the specialists call it exposure to the ultraviolet rays.


The second cause of the loss of the epidermis are carcinogenic substances. For any concept of the new education in the skin, it is imperative to follow and in a timely manner to the doctor — oncologist.

Will take out all the diagnostic procedures. And he will recommend the steps to be carried out.

Papilloma, wart, and warts – all this is a consequence of the activity of the human papillomavirus, or hpv. The virus enters the body of the person and the idle time. Under the influence of the factors that cause intensifying the hpv. This is manifested education soft tumors in the skin and mucous membranes.

Neoplasm is capable of degrading the quality of life, the own cells mutating, which leads to oncology. Timely diagnosis and treatment of genital warts – bond, healthy, and full of the intimate life of the woman.

Causes of the appearance of papillomas in the mouth

The main cause of the appearance of warts in the mouth is the presence in the body the human papilloma virus. Easily infected: the virus is transmitted to the violence in the home through and through personal contacts (touching, sex without protection). The main methods of infection by the virus:

  • The breach of the rules of personal hygiene, the third-party use of toothbrushes and towels;
  • Usual method consists in a poor disinfection of objects and kitchen utensils are shared with an infected person;
  • The personal contact with the virus carrier of kissing, oral sex, intercourse);
  • The virus infection of the newborn occurs during the step for the generic tract of the mother, which is the carrier of hpv.

The incubation period of the disease can last for several years. Detect hpv through delivery of the analysis.

There are a number of factors that influence the activation of a virus and the onset of symptoms:

  • Frequent colds and chronic inflammatory processes, decreased immunity;
  • Stressful lifestyle and bad habits;
  • The violation hormonal;
  • The long-term use of antibiotics and corticosteroids (hormonal drugs);
  • The disease of the gastrointestinal tract;
  • Pregnancy;
  • Systematic lesions in the mucosa of the mouth (the use of the toothbrush, and a stiff brush, hot food and drink, dentures, brackets);
  • Dental caries, periodontal disease, gingivitis.

Any papilloma, which is a novelty in the body, caused exclusively by hpv (human papilloma virus). Papilloma in the intimate parts is a widespread phenomenon. The growths are found in the groin, in the vagina, on the penis, in the anus. Often sexual papilloma found in children. Neoplasms can deliver its possessor not only of oppression, but the physical discomfort. According to the data of health statistics, papillomavirus genital is located almost in the fourth part of the population.

The mechanism of formation of papillomas in the intimate area

In the inactive state sexual the human papilloma virus is able to live in the body is very long period of time. The carrier of the virus can infect others, do not know.

The process of revitalization and the growth of the virus of the immunodeficiency occurs when the weakening of the body's defenses. As a result, there is the emergence of malignancies.

Contrary to the popular belief that papillomavirus causes discomfort exclusively of the cosmetics plan, it can also cause health problems.

The types of hpv

Of international standards of all neoplasms are divided into three types:

  • Benign.
  • The malignant tumors.
  • Border (pre-cancerous).

It is important to be able to determine the type of papillomas in the body. Type of tumor depends on the strain of the virus.

In most cases, people are faced with non-dangerous forms of infection, which are not harmful to health and cause only aesthetic discomfort. Is enough to remove the wart, to forget the discomfort.

To distinguish different types of warts on the body simply by comparing the different photos. Each type of formations is characterized by a series of traits, knowing that it is easy to suspect one or the other form of the disease.

The ordinary papilloma or verruca vulgaris

The most frequent form of manifestation of hpv is the ordinary of the human papillomavirus, popularly known as warts. Calls several strains of viruses that are transmitted easily from a distance-domestic and sexual violence.

According to statistics, approximately one out of every three people on the planet at some time in their life was with the appearance of ordinary papillomas.

Human papillomavirus in the mouth are of several types:

  1. Epithelial hyperplasia small education in the form of papillae, often form on the sides of the tongue;
  2. Simple (vulgar) papilloma appears in the sky and has the shape of flattened buds;
  3. Vulgaris papilloma;
  4. Growths in the gums are most often presented in the form of a flat papilloma;
  5. Flat papilloma;
  6. Papilloma in the body
  7. Filiform papilloma have a foundation, which is often the cause of hemophilia and inflammation, if your injuries. It is located on the flange of the tongue;
  8. Filiform papilloma in the language;
  9. Condyloma acuminatum are cone-shaped and are joined together and form large foci of defeat;
  10. Acuminata papilloma

Important! Delay in the diagnosis of the threat increase papillomatous of the nodes in the mucous membranes of the respiratory tract.

Papilloma on the tongue and cheek may have a different shape. The polyps on the cheek represent a small soft, palpable and not cause pain. The growth in the language, prone to irritation and micro-lesions, which may be the cause of the bleeding.

Papilloma on tonsil is often confused with laryngitis or purulent angina. Due to growth you may experience swelling of the respiratory tract and on the vocal cords, which causes difficulty breathing.

The unpleasant sensations accompanying the process of absorption of food, even liquid. Sometimes, the person experiences the sensation of the presence of a foreign body in the throat.

The appearance of papillomas in the larynx may be accompanied by changes of the voice, problems with breathing. During ingestion of solid foods mucosal injury hemorrhoids; can to bleed. Red of the throat of the child can talk about the presence of tumors. Papillomatosis of the larynx in children is the cause of the bronchitis.

The appearance of lesions of the entities in the form of lumps or polyps in the gum (the excrescences on the gums) it is dangerous to the fact that the mucosa is injured a brush of the teeth or dental prosthesis. Ultimately, it will lead to inflammatory process and infection does not heal ulcers.

Papillomavirus, in addition to the skin changes, is a danger to the development of various diseases. The type of infection of the sample, as it is going to develop and how dangerous it is.

Determination of the type of genital warts it is necessary to:

  • identify if there is a risk of the degeneration of edge of the contribution in a malignant tumor;
  • the selection of an effective treatment;
  • determine the type of infection.


They are also known as vulgar or ordinary. The formation of the papilloma precedes the slight burning sensation.

With the time appears spherical accumulation, that resembles a tumor. Later still, the smooth surface of the neoplasms changes to rough, and the color of the meat goes into the more dark.

The dimensions can vary from 1 to 10 mm

More often than common warts appear between the fingers and the palms of the hands with the tail. The children, who mainly move by crawling, can has knees. Are unique and multiple.

Often vulgar papilloma are not a danger to human health, being a benign tumors.


The name itself says about the location of the papillomas. For wrongly not to be confused with calluses, there are a number of sign language:

  • growth for all of the reasons remember ordinary wart;
  • you feel pain in the area of the cutting edge when the use of shoes of small size;
  • the figure does not exist, and the rough surface.

Plantar verrucas inherent mosaic papillomatosis, when close to the main cutnea of education to form the bubbles, with the time - papilloma.

Small children plantar warts can disappear by itself.


They have an oval, extended, at least a round shape. It is characterized by the low height of only a few millimeters above the skin mantle. Affect the face, skin of the upper part of the rib cage, sometimes the external sexual organs.

Color slightly darker than the skin tone. On level ground papilloma have the property to join in a single spot, after which it make it much more visible.


The warts are characterized specific of the base and longitudinally of the form, referred to as filiform (acrochordus). Initially skin growths have the appearance of a small bump, that will soon be rolled out.

They are most often found in men and women after the age of 40. It is located in the neck, the eyelids of the eyes, under the arms, in the groin area, near the breast. There is often due to the presence of thin legs, it is easy to damage the clothes or sloppy movement.


Outwardly reminiscent of papillary of education. Can affect the epidermis as a one-to-one, and whole groups. As they unite into a whole, forming the nude or the pink color of the crest.

The appearance of warts is the infection transmitted by sexual intercourse. In this sense, condyloma affecting the genital organs, the groin area, the area near the anus.

Human papillomavirus in the mouth

Acuminata papilloma very fast and in a few days you can occupy a vast conspiracy of the healthy tissues. Even after a successful treatment does not exclude relapse.

The medicine has more than one hundred varieties of hpv. About forty of them are transmitted by sexual contact, and therefore affects the genitals of men and women, many types of hpv are generally not harmful, some are extremely dangerous and can cause cancer.

Types of human papilloma virus accepted classified by the degree of probability of the education oncogenic features in the skin. The following are distinguished:

  • especially dangerous type 16, 18, 36, 45;
  • type of medium danger– 31, 33, 35, 51, 52, 58;
  • the type of insurance– 6, 11, 42, 43, 44.

The hpv virus is a microorganism that has hundreds of seals. Depending on the type of water in the person of a brand of hpv, the epidermis of the skin are formed and different types of papillomas. They differ in appearance, speed of growth, location in the body.

Some papillomatous expansion are detected in the mucous membranes of the oral cavity, the bladder, the woman inside the vagina and men in the area of the penis.

Determination of the class of the tags necessary for the selection of the most effective alternative for the treatment, and to assess the risk of the degeneration of this tumor into a malignant tumor.

The medicine is divided hpv in 4 groups:

  • non-oncogenic;
  • low-oncogenic;
  • lead medium oncogenic risk;
  • it is distinguished from a high degree of carcinogenicities.

Non-oncogenic, that is, not reincarnated, with time, cancer, as a general rule, are papilloma vulgar, flat, and plant type. If we return to the general definition of the human papillomavirus, is, in Latin, can be characterized as a "tumor in the form of a papilla".